More Light

There’s a story about a policeman who finds an inebriated man on his hands and knees looking for something along the street. After a short conversation, the officer learns that the man is looking for his keys but thinks he probably lost them in the alley. When asked why he isn’t looking for them in the alley, the man responds, “The light is better under this street lamp.”

Often, I find myself doing the same thing, but not with keys. I will approach a problem in the same way repeatedly because it is the best I know. There may be better ways to solve a problem. The best thing to do would be to expand my approach so that I could attack this problem differently, and the best way that I have found to do this is to involve other people. One of the most significant benefits of coaching is that it expands the amount of light so that I can see different possibilities and attack the problem in a better way. I’m still the one “looking for the keys,” but my coach has more light for other areas, allowing me to expand my vision and possibilities.

If you would like to learn more about a thinking partner who would be able to expand the amount of light you have on some issues you are facing, please Contact Us.


Grass and Growth


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