Message for Pastors
Being a pastor is a blessed challenge; there are always challenges to being a pastor, but there are always blessings, as well. A pastor is the leader of a community of believers, yet they must remain “other” from the community in different ways, and that tension can make it a challenge to find wholeness. Partnering with a coach creates a safe environment to work through those challenges with honesty in confidentiality, clarifying thoughts and strategies around leading and connecting with the people of the congregation. Local churches are the communities that have the greatest potential to bring the grace and love of Jesus to the world, and I want to support pastors as they lead. With MDiv and over twenty years in ministry, I am ready to partner with pastors to help change the world.
“I appreciated having someone to talk to about what was going on. Not to get answers or advice, but to have someone listen and ask questions that made me look at things from a different perspective or think a little harder about things. Both of which can help you grow.” -Client