Mind Extension through People

Last week, I learned about different ways a person can extend their mind. The world is complex and fast-paced, while our brains are trapped in a dark space in our heads, so our brains use different resources to make sense and make progress. Since learning about these techniques, I have been noticing them and analyzing how I use them. I would love for you to be in on the fun, so I’ll spend a little time with each of them.

One way that people extend their minds is through other people. It’s not just that more people can do more things, but when we are facing a complex decision or situation, our minds are not limited to our own thoughts, memories, and experiences. By sharing the question or concern with another person, we tap into the thoughts, memories, and experiences of that other person, as well as their processing power in the moment. I’ve noticed times that I have tapped into the mind of another person. I have also noticed when another person has been trying to tap into my mind for help with something, and then aware that I could choose whether that would be a good use of my efforts or diminish what I was trying to accomplish myself.

With this in mind, it is important to surround yourself with with right people, people who will be a blessing to you when you extend your mind by including theirs, as well as people who will not hijack the power of your mind. If you want to learn more about extending your mind through others, please Contact Us.


Mind Extension through Spaces

