
This past week, my family was reading the Bible in Deuteronomy about the warning Moses gave to the people going into the Promised Land. It was not about the hardships they would encounter, but the warning was actually about the blessings they would receive by living in houses they did not build, drinking from wells they did not dig, and eating from vineyards they did not plant. Those same people had been wandering in the desert for four decades, encountering all kinds of hardships, yet Moses wanted the people to know that there was more danger in the easy life than the struggle.

Right now, you might be going through some hardships that are challenging you and forcing you to use all your strength and abilities to navigate the best path forward. It’s not easy, but we grow through challenges. Maybe things are relatively smooth for you right now, so you might be in more danger than you realize, and Moses’ warning would apply to you.

Remember to be thankful for the blessings, but also be thankful for the setbacks. Both can strengthen you for what’s ahead. If you would like to know more about how to think productively about the blessings and burdens in your life, Contact Us.




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